Wednesday, November 23, 2005


All I can say is wow - as a long-time U2 fan the show exceeded expectations. There were too many highlights from the show but I would have to say "Sunday, Bloody Sunday" and of all songs "Elevation" rocked. Even if your not a big fan of U2 you have to appreciate their music. If you get a chance to see them live - skip your three-year old playing a tree in his school play. It is worth every penny and your time. Thanks to my buddy Kyle (a.k.a The Y Bomb) for sharing some of his pic's.

A few things "overheard" this past weekend - stories abundant:

"If you lived in South Carolina I'd date you - your a little short but that's okay". "Hey, you ought to see him in heels."

"Party in 229 baby." "Hey, you want to go? Dude, i think she's talking about her weight".

"I like the little squiggly things." "I bet you do, I bet you do."

1 comment:

Deano "aka" Jimmy Joe Meeker "aka" Fat Elvis said...

that second comment (229) is comedy beyond comedy