Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Got To Love Your Footy

SYDNEY, Australia - An Australian professional football player said Tuesday he plans to have one of his fingers amputated in an attempt to improve his game.

Brett Backwell, who plays Australian rules football for Glenelg, a suburb of the city of Adelaide in South Australia state, told the Australian Broadcasting Corp. he has suffered from pain and restricted movement since he broke his left ring finger three years ago.

Doctors had suggested fusing the bones in the finger, but Backwell rejected the proposal.

He said he believed that amputating the finger was the only way to stop the pain and allow him to keep playing.

"To chop a finger off, that's a bit drastic," Backwell told the ABC. "But I love my footy (football), and love playing sport, and if that's going to help me to succeed at this level then it's something you've just got to do."


Deano "aka" Jimmy Joe Meeker "aka" Fat Elvis said...

i hope he doesnt break his Johnson!

Deano "aka" Jimmy Joe Meeker "aka" Fat Elvis said...

finally the B-rad has returned to the pad!