Sunday, July 10, 2005

Temporarily Unavailable. Posted by Picasa


Deano "aka" Jimmy Joe Meeker "aka" Fat Elvis said...

Gods little way of keeping a limit on mobile home development.

By the way 2 questiones:
1. where do birds go during a hurricane?
2. how come the rain that falls isn't salt water?

Deano "aka" Jimmy Joe Meeker "aka" Fat Elvis said...

You know your in the country when you hear this on the radio...

true, actually heard it.

Bill how does it look in Nutusulga ?

well ??? we have a limb that has fallen in one mans back yard and several large raindrops have hit me on the head while if bene talking with you. so we are hunkering down for what could prove to be a devestating and lengthy ordeal for the residents of Nutasulga. We will keep you posted as long >>>static>>>

Bill..we uh have lost bill. I just hope he is alright, things becoming severe and your window of opportunity to get out of the path of this powerfull storm is very small. As you heard we have a limb down in Nutasulga.

Tator Salad said...

Good questions....actually FOX 10 news had a complete segment on wildlife and hurricanes. Birds were one of the topics and a reporter actually drove around during the hurricane to see if he could find any birds. He found a few flocks of pidgeons in a parking lot (not kidding). How do you know it isnt salt water? Have you actually tried to taste it?

Tator Salad said...

I hopt everyone in Nutusulga is okay from the falling raindrops and "the limb". Thats too funny.