Tuesday, June 14, 2005


KRAMER: Yes, yes. This pirate trend that she's come up with, Jerry, - this is gonna be the new look for the 90's. You're gonna be the first pirate!
JERRY: (Like a little kid) But, I don't want to be a pirate!
KRAMER: Now that's a great looking shirt! (Gets up, admiring the shirt) Ayye Captain! (Growls like a pirate) Yeah! I'm glad I ironed it. It's perfect. (Walks around Jerry, inspecting the shirt) Look at it! It's fantastic!
JERRY: (Resisting) Kramer, how am I gonna wear this?! I can't wear this!
KRAMER: (Reassuring) Hey, this look's better than anything you own. You know, in two months time, everybody's gonna be wearing the (imitates a pirate) pirate look. Aye!

[Setting: The Today Show]
BRYANT: (Pointing out) And speaking of clothing , that is a very, very unusual shirt you have on.
JERRY: (Looking down at the shirt) Oh, thank you.
BRYANT: You're all kinda, (Waves his hands around) all kinda "puffed up". (Chuckles)
JERRY: Yeah, it's a puffy shirt.
BRYANT: Hey, you could be the first pirate comedian (laughing).

1 comment:

evilgenius11 said...

Damn those low talkers! In some ways there even worse than close talkers.