Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Tatu & Mr. Roark Join LMBA

Tatu & Mr. Roark join the LMBA as Fan Relations Exectives and Greeters. Their duties will include making sure each fan has a positive experience at arena's around the league as well as drawing celebrities to games. Due to the new duo's involvement with the league a new commercial and slogan has been adopted for the 2005-2006 LMBA Season: "The Game! The Game!" - "Yes, Indeed Tatu. It's Time To Welcome Our Guests To The LMBA!"



Tator Salad said...

Ummm, are you saying I have an imposter on my hands?

evilgenius11 said...

Hey Brad, where can I sign up for a LMBA fantasy league? I hope I get the 1st pick, because Yao will dominate this league. If not, the Mexican Mullett looks like a scoring machine.

Tator Salad said...

Coming soon....working on a deal with Yahoo! Fantasy Sports. Oh, I forgot to tell you that Yao has to play while in a straight jacket.

evilgenius11 said...

I still like his chances. Maybe he'll fall into the late 1st early 2nd round area.

Deano "aka" Jimmy Joe Meeker "aka" Fat Elvis said...

Oh that front office is coming together. We are going to be huge babby..I said huge. Not only is tatu fan relations exec. but also the emergency point guard.

Deano "aka" Jimmy Joe Meeker "aka" Fat Elvis said...

Bring us more!!! the LMBA is awesome.

Deano "aka" Jimmy Joe Meeker "aka" Fat Elvis said...

I know there is a picture of coach Wilcox coming soon!!!!!