Tuesday, May 24, 2005


This picture was sent to us by Horhay Sanchez from the island of Trinadad & Tobago. He spoted Grandpa at Canival this past Spring. He claims that he and Grandpa picked up the two women in the picture and took them out for a night on the town. It was said that after several Cape Coders and many shags of the Rumba on the dance floor Grandpa excused himself to the restroom. After 30 minutes and no sight of Grandpa Horhay went to the restroom and found the following note with a $5 bill attached:

"Tell the girls to buy something nice and you get little Horhay I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII something to eat. I'll be back one day my friend but for now I need to travel on - Destination Unknown."

Ah, Grandpa. I hope those BlueBlockers will help you see your way home soon.

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