Wednesday, March 10, 2010

R.I.P. Corey Haim

Another child star dead of a drug overdose. But, there’s a tiny place in my heart for ole Corey Haim. See, we didn’t have cable TV growing up. This is not some “we walked both ways uphill in the snow barefoot” story. We just didn’t have cable because we lived on a budget in the country in a small secluded neighborhood a mile off the “beaten path” and it was just never feasible for the cable guy to run lines to us. We made do with a big ole antenna and lots of VCR tapes.

My sister I would wear a movie out. I can not begin to tell you how many times we watched “Secret Admirer”, “16 Candles”, “License to Drive", "The Lost Boys", etc. Three of which starred none other than Corey Haim. But my favorite, which I own and still watch to this day is "Lucas". An undersized nerd who turns hero in is high school. I can actually recite a good portion of these movies.

And so, in memory of Corey Haim, and our overburdened childhood VCR (that happened to weigh more than my parents Station Wagon), here’s the original trailer to “Lucas”:

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