--Me too Zombie Turtle Boy, me too.
--Minimum wage went to $7.25 last month. This "redistribution of wealth" thing is getting out of hand!
--Jon & Kate Break-up News = Now Officially Tiresome
--I saw an "I Love My Wife" bumper sticker this morning. I wonder if he knows its there?
--Twice this week, I've driven by down a street in the morning only to see a guy walk out of his house, shirtless, and fire up a cigarette.
--I use my debit card for everything. I never go to the ATM any more.
--You wouldn't think an anteater could survive eating just ants. That would take a lot of ants.
--You had to see it appreciate it, but I was watching one of the couples of the show 16 and Pregnant being interviewed. The child suffered from some type of condition (I don't remember what it was called) but my jaw dropped when the mother started crying as she said, "I'm sad because when he gets old enough to go to a party that he won't be able to drink like his friends."
--One of the worst movie's ever is "Death To Smoochy" (which has been showing up on the movie channels again). A post coming soon -- B-Rads top 10 worst movies of all-time.
--Did you know that you can drink free all night on your birthday at The Double Olive?
--For a hurricane that will never touch land, Bill sure is getting a lot of attention.
--Seventy-seven banks have failed this year, but no one seems to care. This country is so odd because no matter what happens, there's this "everything will be all right" attitude. But, Michelle Obama wore shorts and people are outraged.
--I watched 4 hours of Ghost Hunters last night.
--Legal drinking age map.
--Elvis made 31 movies and you never see one of them on TV.
--The older you get, the better you get at Jeopardy. But I'm still not very good.

--Saw this bumper sticker on the way to work this morning. I suppose that the civil unrest felt in this country is similar to what was felt in the Sixties except now the the majority of the public is too lazy to get out an protest.
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